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Greets the feets, feats of greetings. Salutations in the highest degree!
     The name's Bim, Bim Bitibinksky, I will be your guide as you explore the Varsian Kingdom. The Varsian Kingdom is a medieval fantasy realm created by the author, Jason P. Hein. 
     For starters, check out our creator's Bio, or our featured projects page. There are books of lore and other ventures that he is working on. Also feel free to explore the lands of Varsia and dig into the rich lore. If you have any questions or comments please contact us at any time.
      Bim Bitibinksky

Updated 11/25/2021

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I regret to say that my writing has stalled. Life has been a hurricane lately and I don't foresee my writing continuing into the future.
I started writing a little over 20 years ago, and it's been 16 years since I published my first book. Now, 9 books later I am forced to look at my writing for what it is. An expensive hobby. I have not, in all honestly, even made back as much money as I put into that very first book.
So, comes the very hard decision to put my writing on pause indefinitely. Perhaps once the kids are out of the house, or once I retire, I may be able to revisit the world I've fallen so deeply in love with. Until then, with heartfelt tears, I say, "Goodbye."
The Manor
The Kings Fortress
Sanhadree Highlands
Sarengedeeze Plains
The Great Wall

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