The Legacy Of Ravenbane
Update from 11/26/2019 ​ The Legacy Is Complete! ​ The Legacy of Ravenbane is now live on Amazon! Click HERE to check it out. For a...
Update from 3/17/2019 ​ ​ Darkfire, book 4 of the Varsian Kingdom Series, is now waiting on the cover art, and is still slotted for a...
Book 4 of The Varsian Kingdom Series: Darkfire
Update from 1/21/2019 ​ Book 4 is coming along quickly, and is slotted for a spring release! There will be cover art to reveal soon, and...

The Varsian Kingdom Series, Book 3: Liberation of Sephiera LIVE on Amazon!
​ Liberation of Sephiera is finally LIVE on Amazon! Check out the book by clicking HERE. Please remember to leave positive reviews, they...

The Varsian Kingdom Series, Book 3: Liberation of Sephiera
Update From 10/18/2018 ​ ​ ​ The second (and final) cover draft for Liberation of Sephiera is complete! I'm excited to reveal it to the...

The Varsian Kingdom Series, Book 3: Liberation of Sephiera
Website update from 9/18/2018 ​ ​ ​ The first cover draft is finally ready to reveal! Thanks yet again to Susana Conde for the wonderful...

Release Date for Book 3: The Liberation of Sephiera!
Update from 8-19-2018 ​ ​ Book 3 of The Varsian Kingdom: Liberation of Sephiera now has a tentative release date! We are slotting it for...